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Vessels , Vases ,and Various Objects

Riverbank Queanbeyan Café

7 July – 28 July 2015

Mary-Lou Pittard

This exhibition looks to celebrate the fine art of decorative ceramics, blurring the lines between sculptural art and the functional form. Inspired by the unusual objects made by traditional artisans and trades people over the centuries that specialized in well-crafted wares. From the cheese maker specialized tools to the jam sieves of southern France, individually handcrafted chocolates and the highly decorative ornate wrought iron hinges and doorknobs that are scattered throughout the old villages of Europe.

‘ Vessels, Vases and Various Objects ‘ draws inspiration from all of these art forms and lost trades. This exhibition is the latest extension of Mary-Lou Pittard’s current body of work one that explores and celebrates the relationship between art and design and the functionality of the kitchen and its utensils


Image: Jam Sieve, stoneware, Mary-Lou Pittard  




Craft ACT: Craft and Design Centre Australian National University Canberra Potters' Society Strathnairn Arts Association The Australian Ceramics Association